torsdag 19. juni 2014

The Oxford handbook of refugee and forced migration studies (2014)

av: Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyh (red.)

Nytt storverk om tvungen migrasjon og flykninger 

Et femtitalls tverrfaglige fagfolk og forskere har bidratt til dette verket som dekker hele flyktningfeltet og situasjonen i alle verdensdeler. Denne grundige gjennomgangen viser hvordan dette er et fag som har vokst enormt de senere årene og dekker alle relevante tema som menneskehandel, internasjonal flyktningrett, internt fordrevne, transnasjonalitet mm.

Boken bør være aktuell alle som jobber og forsker på fagfeltet. 

Ta kontakt med biblioteket om du er interessert i å låne denne, eller finn boken i ditt lokale bibliotek.


1: Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Gil Loescher, Katy Long and Nando Sigona: Introduction: Refugee and Forced Migration Studies in Transition
Part I: Approaches: Old and New
2: Jerome Elie: Histories of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies
3: Guy Goodwin Gil: International Law, Refugees and Forced Migration
4: Matthew Gibney: Political Theory, Ethics and Forced Migration
5: Alexander Betts: International Relations and Forced Migration
6: Dawn Chatty: Anthropology and Forced Migration
7: Finn Stepputat and Ninna Nyberg Sørensen: Sociology and Forced Migration
8: Karen Jacobsen: Livelihoods and Economics in Forced Migration
9: Michael Collyer: Geographies of Forced Migration
Part II: Shifting Spaces and Scenarios of Displacement
10: Oliver Bakewell: Encampment and Self-settlement
11: Loren Landau: Urban Refugees and IDPs
12: James Milner: Protracted Refugee Situations
13: Walter Kalin: Internal Displacement
14: Nick Van Hear: Refugees, Diasporas and Transnationalism
15: Stephan Scheel and Vicki Squire: Forced Migrants as Illegal Migrants
Part III: Legal and Institutional Responses to Forced Migration
16: Jane McAdam: Human Rights and Forced Migration
17: Gil Loescher: UNHCR and Forced Migration
18: Susan Akram: UNRWA and Forced Migration
19: Randall Hansen: State Controls: Borders, Refugees and Citizenship
20: Anne Hammerstadt: Securitisation and Forced Migration
21: Volker Turk and Rebecca Dowd: Protection Gaps
22: Alice Edwards and Laura Van Waas: Statelessness
23: Simon Russell and Vicky Tennant: Humanitarian Reform: from Co-ordination to Clusters and Beyond
24: Michael Barnett: Refugees and Humanitarianism
Part IV: Root Causes of Displacement
25: Sarah Lischer: Conflict and Crisis-induced Displacement
26: Christopher McDowell: Development-induced Displacement
27: Roger Zetter and James Morrissey: The Environment-mobility Nexus
28: Bridget Anderson: Trafficking and Smuggling
Part V: Lived Experiences and Representations of Forced Migration
29: Nando Sigona: Memories, Narratives and Representations of Forced Migration
30: Jason Hart: Children and Forced Migration
31: Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh: Gender and Forced Migration
32: Claudio Bolzman: Older Displaced Persons
33: Mansha Mirza: Disability and Forced Migration
34: Alaistair Ager: Health and Forced Migration
35: David Hollenbach: Religion and Forced Migration
36: Terence Wright: Media, Refugees and other Forced Migrants
Part VI: Rethinking Durable Solutions
37: Katy Long: Rethinking Durable Solutions
38: Lucy Hovil: Local Integration
39: Laura Hammond: "Voluntary" Repatriation and Reintegration
40: Joanne Van Selm: Resettlement
41: Martin Gottwald: Burden Sharing and Refugee Protection
Part VII: Regional Studies: Current Realities and Future Challenges
42: Marion Fresia: Forced Migration in West Africa
43: Jonathan Crush and Abel Chikanda: Forced Migration in Southern Africa
44: Gaim Kibreab: Forced Migration in East Africa and the Great Lakes
45: Sari Hanafi: Forced Migration in the Middle East and North Africa
46: Alessandro Monsutti and Bayram Balci: Forced Migration in Broader Central Asia
47: Paula Banerjee: Forced Migration in South Asia
48: Kirsten McConnahie: Forced Migration in South East Asia and East Asia
49: Anne McNevin: Forced Migration in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific
50: Jose H. Fischel De Andrade: Forced Migration in South America
51: Megan Bradley: Forced Migration in Central America and the Caribbean
52: Susan Martin: Forced Migration in North America
53: Roland Bank: Forced Migration in Europe

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